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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with single women?

Yes, We absolutely do work with single women. 


Do you have an age requirement?

Short answer; no.


Do you work with US citizens living abroad?

Yes, we do work with US citizens living abroad including military families. 


What will it cost to adopt?

Costs of adopting a healthy infant of any race through a private agency or attorney in the United States vary. Families can pay between $29,000 and $50,000 in fees, which may not include travel and living expenses while away from home. A lot of what determines the cost is birth mother expenses.


Are there grants available in the US to help adoptive families?

Yes, there are many grant programs, loan options, interest free loans and adoption fundraisers that can ease the financial burden of adoption for hopeful adoptive families. 


What is a home study?   

A home study is an evaluation of your home, medical history, and criminal history to determine if you are approved to proceed with adoption.  You will have to include medical physicals, have a licensed home study provider come to your home to make sure your home is in safe livable conditions. The home study provider will also make sure that you have no violent past criminal history.  All MKAS clients are required to be home study approved.


What is an adoption profile and do we need one?

Yes, you will need a profile. An adoption profile is a book about your family that is presented to expectant moms to look through as she selects a family for her baby. It is an extremely important part of this process. Adoption Profile Books are included in our packages. 


What is ICPC? How long should we expect to stay in the state from which we adopt?

Any adoption placement that involves a child outside of your home state will involve a federal law called the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). All 50 states are members of this contract. It is a federal requirement. The majority of families receive ICPC approval within 5-10 business days or less. The approval time can be longer.


Can a mom change her mind once she has completed an adoption plan?

Yes, of course. An expectant mom can change her mind at any point after she makes an adoption plan, up until she signs irrevocable surrenders (TPR). Once a birth mother signs irrevocable surrenders and they expire they cannot revoke them. In some states they have so many days until the paperwork becomes legally binding and it cannot be changed. 


Does the biological father have rights in the adoption process?

This will depend on the state which the birth mother resides, if she is married, and if she has named him on the birth certificate.  Every state is different when it comes to biological father rights. The adoption entity who is working with the expectant mother will or should know the situation with the biological father to give you a realistic approach on what the biological father is going to do. An adoption attorney will be able to provide information specific to your situation.


Do you work with gender specific families?

Yes, MKAS does allow our clients to be gender specific. We make sure our clients understand that this may increase your wait-time.


Do you work with military families?

Yes, we also offer a military discount to active duty and service members and veterans.

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